Episode #57: Colgems to the Sunshine

Episode #57: Colgems to the Sunshine

In an episode first aired on June 29, 2009, host Andrew Sandoval brings you another exciting installment of “Come To The Sunshine” this time paying tribute to the short-lived, but endlessly fascinating Colgems label. Developed by Columbia Pictures and Screen-Gems Music in 1966 as something of a vanity imprint for soundtracks and recordings by The Monkees, it is their many non-Monkees releases that hold particular interest for fans of ’60s pop. The label’s topsy-turvey A&R approach led to a psychedelic single from Hoyt Axton, last gasp rockin’ soul from Jewel Akens and the awesome country rock of the Lewis & Clarke Expedition. With talented producers like Gary Paxton, Stu Philips, David Gates, Richie Podolor and Jack Keller, it is surprising how many non-hits the label turned out in a four year stretch.

Episode #57 of “Come To The Sunshine” presents 45 single slices of Colgems’ 45 rpm magic – all from original vinyl (not a CD in the house folks) – with music by: The Monkees/Hoyt Axton/Lewis & Clarke Expedition/Sally Field/Jewel Akens/Hung Jury/Fountain Of Youth/Paula Wayne/Sajid Kahn/Peter Kastner/P.K. Limited/New Establishment

Click here for the full playlist!