Show #88: The Five Americans in MONO (August 26, 2013)

Show #88: The Five Americans In MONO (August 26, 2013)

artist song label cat # writer(s) producer(s) arranger(s)
berkeley kites, the hang up city minaret MIN-132 r.j. benninghoff finley duncan for shelby singleton productions, inc.
lime, the beautiful day dot 45-17298 larry sanders b. palmer, r. whittington
impact express, the sunshine day lavender LR 2007-1 st. john, st. john bobby gibson
in-keepers, the the cobweb threads of autumn rca 74-0229 s. burnett pierre g. maheu lee holdridge
scene, the scenes (from another world) b.t. puppy records 45-533 neil sheppard,
j. fishman
neil sheppard for bright tunes productions neil sheppard for bright tunes productions
lovin’, the all you’ve got fontana F-1606 duffy a page one production, england
crowd + 1 try capitol 2259 dean parks j. henry burnett, david r. anderson
bazooka look at you now white whale WW-344 randy benjamin george tobin
long brothers, the lonely time jubilee 45-5541 l. lubawy, d. lubawy a bismark production john abbott
disciples of shaftesbury times gone by international artists 109-B ben kitchen, richard lasser lelan rogers bill
lile, bobby time to be a woman white whale WW-267 bobby lile bob summers for
sidewalk productions
chips, the break it gently philips 40520 k. murphy
draper, johnny trippin’ capitol P 2077 johnny draper kelso herston
fireballs, the light in the window atco 45-6651 george tomsco, barbara tomsco norman petty
dRAKE on the road to mexico parrot 45-PAR 315 d. levinshefski dRAKE for steve alaimo productions
higher elevation, the odyssey liberty 56094 john floth, j.c. philips frank slay chester
hamilton face band, the banana song philips 40603 margoshes, wolfe anne tansey the
hamilton face band
back seat, the where is mary linda 125 larry tamblyn larry tamblyn
downtown collection, the washington square strobe ST 351 b. goldstein, d. shire milan
crib and ben emily decca 32453 paul gelber, edward simon edward simon, paul gelber emanuel
five americans, the I see the light abnak A-109 mike rabon, norman
ezell, john durrill
dale hawkins
five americans,
evol – not love hanna-barbera records HBR 468 mike rabon, norman ezell, john durrill a&r john abnor
five americans, the the losing game hanna-barbera records HBR 483 mike rabon, norman ezell,
john durrill
a&r john abnor
five americans, the love,
love, love
abc-paramount 45-10686 s. david, t. mcrae, s. wyche dale hawkins
five americans, the if I could abnak AB-116 mike rabon, norman ezell, john durrill dale hawkins
five americans, the western union abnak AB-118 mike rabon, norman ezell, john durrill dale hawkins
five americans, the sound of love abnak AB-120 mike rabon, norman ezell, john durrill dale hawkins
five americans, the sympathy abnak AB-120 mike rabon, norman ezell, john durrill dale hawkins
five americans, the big cities abnak ABLP 1967 mike rabon, norman ezell, john durrill dale hawkins
five americans, the zip code abnak AB-123 mike rabon, norman ezell, john durrill dale hawkins
five americans, the sweet bird of youth abnak AB-123 mike rabon, norman ezell, john durrill dale hawkins
five americans, the stop light abnak AB-125 mike rabon, norman ezell, john durrill abnak music
five americans, the 7:30 guided tour abnak AB-126 r.h. brians, jr. abnak music
five americans, the no communication abnak AB-128 steve duboff, gerald robinson abnak music
five americans, the the rain maker abnak AB-128 mike rabon, norman ezell, john durrill abnak music
five americans, the con man abnak AB-131 mike rabon, norman ezell, john durrill abnak music
rabon, michael & the five americans virginia girl abnak AB
abnak music
americans, the
scrooge abnak AB-137 mike rabon, norman ezell, john durrill abnak music
rabon, michael & the five americans red cape abnak AB-139 mike rabon   abnak music
five americans, the she’s too good to me abnak AB-142 paul williams, roger nichols abnak music
rabon, michael & the five americans molly black abnak AB-142 mike rabon   abnak music